James founded Start-Up Loans in 2012 with the prime objective of helping to transform the UK economy. James wanted to move towards a more diverse and dynamic entrepreneurial business community that raised the standard of living and created wealth for all.

The core mission of Start-Up Loans is to make business ownership a viable career for individuals who have vision, aspiration and ambitions but who may struggle to raise finance. James supports their aspirations and entrepreneurial spirit by ensuring that the programme offers affordable loans and provides mentoring to assist individuals with their vision, creating a robust platform for success; founded on strong, well tested, business principles.

James has always been very passionate about entrepreneurship and wealth creation and was excited to be taking his message to a wider, mass audience. The key driver, behind his vision for a better society was the desire to create jobs and help budding entrepreneurs face the challenges presented to all businesses by the digital age.

Since inception, Start-Up Loans has assisted 28,000 businesses, which in turn has created over 80,000 new jobs. This achievement has been the highlight of James’ career so far. By supporting small and medium sized businesses through ‘Startup’ it inevitably create jobs and opportunities which is central to future proofing and stimulating the UK’s long term economic plan to create prosperity. From a child that grew up in the East End of London, the child of an immigrant with a family business, James believes that the entrepreneurial spirit that underpins and drives with small business owners is the very lifeblood of the UK economy.

James and David Cameron launch Startup loans as the Government looks to encourage and support enterprise across the country

Start Up Loans James Caan, Chairman

James speaks at the ‘Women in business’ event hosted by Start Up Loans

James on BBC Breakfast commenting on the Start Up Loan initiative

Student Ambassador Program launch event at Buckingham Palace - Start-Up Loans

Google Hangout featuring James, Jamie Lang and Sarah Hilleary